Tuesday, March 9, 2010

a weekend of fabulous friends

Last Friday, a bunch of my girlfriends got together and threw me a "baby blessing shower". basically, a night of yummy food, fun conversation, encouragement for the mommy-to-be (for the 2nd time) and prayer. What a wonderful evening! I was so blessed...and continue to be so blessed by these women...and I am so thankful for encouragement. We all need it!
And THEN... one of my best friends from good ol' TU was in LA for just 1 day. And we were able to spend the entire day together. It's pretty sad that I hadn't seen her in almost 4 years... Julia and her husband Curt were here...and even better, Jenn joined us for the day, too! So glad that Jules got to finally meet Avery. We went to the beach...Sprinkles (for those of you that don't know, that is the famous and yummy cupcake shop in Beverly Hills)...and we went to dinner. What a FUN day!
Jenn graciously offered to ride in the back of our car...so we didnt' have to take 2 cars everywhere. :)


Carrie said...

how fun!!! you look great!

Michelle said...

Aw, I love that picture of us. Could I get a big version of it when you have a second? You know, when you get a break from taking care of your brand-new baby?