Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Livin' it up at home with our girl

Sorry for the delay in posting a new entry (and thanks to those who reminded me of the importance of keeping this blog up to date!) :) But, as you can imagine, we've been busy!
It has almost been a week since Avery made her trip home to be with mom and dad. Wow, how time flies! Things have been going very well! Avery has been eating (still) like a champ - every 3 hours, if not sooner. That is key for her continued growth. And she sleeps pretty well too - and while she snoozes, mom and dad also try to catch a few winks.
And of course, the other day we made that trip to the doctor...you know, that paranoid, "something-is-wrong-with-my-child" trip to the peditrician. It seemed as if Avery was having trouble breathing. Turns out - her nose was chock full of snot! Good girl...

Here are some pictures of our first week at home together

Happy St Patricks Day!!


by Beth said...

oh my gosh you guys - she looks fantastic! congrats on the week anniversary! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting new pics! hope to catch up with you soon!

Sibert Family said...

We are really happy to hear that the Olson's are enjoying being a family in their home! Look forward to seeing you guys soon!