Monday, August 23, 2010

an event five years in the making

5 years ago, Emmitt Smith retired from the NFL. well, if you know my husband, you know he is a fan. as well as our brother in law, Devon. and i became one as well. so, the day he retired 5 years ago...we knew he'd be inducted into the nfl hall of fame 5 years later. and we swore we'd be there. together. it was fitting, since we were together at the game where smith broke the record to become the leagues all time leading rusher. so, 5 years later, we did it. me, Josh, Devon, and Jack (Devon's 7 year old son) went to the Hall of Fame induction ceremony to watch mr. Emmitt Smith be inducted. it was so fun to experience it together, finally!
and a HUGE thank you to Bob Wolf who very generously got us tickets for the induction ceremony AND the game. What a treat! THANKS BOB!!!

pre-ceremony hotdogs and burgers
our seats, in front of ESPN analysts, Tom Jackson and Trey Wingo
2 true diehards
Jack, our future dallas cowboys star
emmitt smith!
and last but not least, my flip flop broke right after we got there. so, we tied the flip flop to my foot using a shoelace (courtesy of josh) and created what i think is a very fashionable look.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

how fun erin!! and i think the sandal actually looks quite trendy! :)